hahahah ..
manusia mengapa kau lucu sekali *clue*
naif ?? kau bilang naif ??
yayayaya .
aku pikir mungkin itu cukup jelas dan menggambarkan kebanyakan para manusia jaman sekarang .
namun tak sedikit pula yang kejam .,
ahh ..
entahlah .
diriku kurasa seperti itu juga .
yah karena memang aku juga manusia .
hahahahah . :D
mereka tak sebenarnya bodoh dan tak tahu apa-apa tentang dunia ini .
5 detik lagi, 5 menit lagi, 5 jam lagi, 5 tahun, 50 tahun dst bahkan mereka tak akan tahu akan bagaimana ..
tak tahu takdir mereka ..
tak tahu batas mereka ..
tak tahu jodoh mereka ..
tak tahu masalah mereka
dan juga tak tahu betapa kejam dan naifnya mereka ..
ehm mungkin sudah sifat dasar mereka ..
namun yang benar-benar aku sesali adalah ..
seharusnya jangan biarkan hal itu terjadi . :(
jika itu tak pernah terjadi dunia ini akan aman, damai dan tentram ,
AKU MUAK !!! ><
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......................... ~~~~~~~~~~
Dear Bu Elis ..
tak terasa sudah lewat dari 7 hari ibu tak bersama saya lagi .
entah kenapa baru hari ini saya ingin mengungkapkannya disini .
karena hari ini dan baru saja putri Ibu Sari datang kekantor dan mencari berkas ibu yang tertinggal dan itu penting .
melihat wajah Sari, matanya dan mimik wajah yang memancarkan kesenduan dan kesedihan tak bisa saya lewatkan begitu saja .
saat itu juga hati kecil saya bersedih dan turut berduka ..
Dear Bu Elis Sayang ..
seseorang yang selama 2,5th mengukir kisah bersama saya.
membangun kenangan bersama saya dan merajut duka dan tawa bersama saya.
dari seorang yang asing, tak kenal dan kemudian dekat seperti seorang ibu dan anak.
dari seorang dengan tingkat sosialisasi tinggi dapat membaur dan menganggap semua sama.
Ibu ...
hari ini saya mengungkapkan kesedihan dan rasa kehilangan saya kepada ibu .
mungkin ibu tak disini lagi, tak dapat memarahi saya lagi, tak dapat bercanda bersama saya lagi dan tak dapat menegur sapa saya lagi sebagaimana mestinya.
entah tulisan ini dapat ibu baca ataukah tidak, namun ibu pasti mendengar isi hati saya.
Ibu ..
ibu adalah sosok kuat dan tegar dengan banyak masalah yang ibu hadapi .
sosok pemberani dan tegas yang memang selalu menegakkan hukum dan keadilan sesuai dengan lencana yang engkau pakai selama ini, sesuai dengan title yang engkau sandang selama ini yakni seorang Polwan AKP Elisabeth Polnaya yang selalu membantu masyarakat dimanapun mereka membutuhkan.
ibu juga bahkan lupa memiliki rumah pribadi karena tugas dan kewajiban ibu tak henti menghampiri ibu selama 24 jam .
hal itu bukan berarti ibu tak memperhatikan keluarga ibu, ibu selalu berusaha meluangkan waktu demi anak-anak ibu yang ibu kasihi ..
tak pernah saya bayangkan jika ibu pergi ..
sekalipun saya bukan anak kandung ibu tapi ibu sudah begitu dekat dengan saya .
ibu juga tak pernah membedakan saya dengan anak-anak ibu .
nasehat yang sama juga ibu berikan kepada saya ..
entah bagaimana perasaan anak-anak ibu jika saya sendiri tak dapat menerima kenyataan ini ..
bukan ! bukan bukan saya tak mengikhlaskan ibu pergi bu . bukan !
saya hanya tak bisa menerima kenyataan ini terjadi .
masih melekat dalam benak saya ketika ibu seorang anggota Polri berpangkat tinggi tak malu dan tak segan dengan berjalan kaki bersama saya menuju tempat tugas, karena selama yang saya tahu seorang yang memiliki jabatan dalam kepolisian diperlakukan bak tuan raja yang meskipun hanya berjarak 500m harus menggunakan mobil, namun semua itu tak tercermin pada ibu.
ibu yang selalu menyapa dan tersenyum kepada siapapun itu yang meskipun ibu tak kenal.
ibu ..
biasanya dari pagi dan sore hari kita menghabiskan waktu berdua .
duduk bersebelahan dengan menghadap komputer masing-masing dan mengerjakan tugas masing-masing diiringi dengan lagu-lagu yang saya putar diruangan 3x5m ini.
biasanya ibu akan protes jika lagu yang saya putar tak enak ditelinga ibu dan ibu minta diputarkan lagu-lagu nostalgia yang saya juga mengerti.
ibu ..
biasanya kita makan siang bersama dengan selera yang sama diwarung depan kantor yang juga ibu anggap seperti keluarga sendiri . :')
ibu bisa request masakan apapun dari pemilik warung yakni Bu Ambon dan beliau akan menuruti semua permintaan ibu ..
lihat ibu, itu karena ibu memang seorang yang sangat baik tanpa membangun dinding pemisah seorang pejabat polisi dengan masyarakat.
ibu ..
hari ini saya benar-benar merasa semuanya hilang ..
meskipun sebelum ibu benar-benar pergi ibu sudah berdinas diluar kota yang memang sudah tak bersama saya lagi .
namun semua itu berbeda ..
sejak ibu tak ada, setiap membuka ruangan semua terasa berbeda ..
harapan dan bayangan ibu akan kembali sudah sirna bersama waktu yang menjawab .
saat ini saya harus duduk sendiri .
mendengarkan lagu-lagu saya seorang diri dengan kursi kosong disamping saya dan dengan cendela terbuka bersama hembusan angin.
melakukan segalanya seorang diri dan tak pernah lagi ada yang menyayangi saya seperti ibu ditempat ini. :((
ibu ..
bahkan saya tak pernah berpikir jika Tuhan begitu menyayangi ibu .
tapi Tuhan telah memberikan cobaan berat dalam 2 bulan terakhir sebelum kepergian ibu selamanya ..
ibu ...
ibu Elisabeth Polnaya tersayang, ibuku tercinta, ibu keduaku yang juga aku sayang .
selamat jalan dan selamat tinggal ..
walau tak lama tapi ibu tetap tinggal dalam hati saya .
ibu tetap bersama saya dalam jiwa meskipun tak dalam raga.
semoga kebaikanmu akan selalu dikenang oleh mereka-mereka yang pernah merasakannya..
semoga Tuhan menjagamu dengan baik dan penuh kasih sayang seperti engkau menjagaku .
baik-baik disana ya bu ..
jangan pernah lupa bahwa saya sangat menyayangi ibu .. :')
tak terasa sudah lewat dari 7 hari ibu tak bersama saya lagi .
entah kenapa baru hari ini saya ingin mengungkapkannya disini .
karena hari ini dan baru saja putri Ibu Sari datang kekantor dan mencari berkas ibu yang tertinggal dan itu penting .
melihat wajah Sari, matanya dan mimik wajah yang memancarkan kesenduan dan kesedihan tak bisa saya lewatkan begitu saja .
saat itu juga hati kecil saya bersedih dan turut berduka ..
Dear Bu Elis Sayang ..
seseorang yang selama 2,5th mengukir kisah bersama saya.
membangun kenangan bersama saya dan merajut duka dan tawa bersama saya.
dari seorang yang asing, tak kenal dan kemudian dekat seperti seorang ibu dan anak.
dari seorang dengan tingkat sosialisasi tinggi dapat membaur dan menganggap semua sama.
Ibu ...
hari ini saya mengungkapkan kesedihan dan rasa kehilangan saya kepada ibu .
mungkin ibu tak disini lagi, tak dapat memarahi saya lagi, tak dapat bercanda bersama saya lagi dan tak dapat menegur sapa saya lagi sebagaimana mestinya.
entah tulisan ini dapat ibu baca ataukah tidak, namun ibu pasti mendengar isi hati saya.
Ibu ..
ibu adalah sosok kuat dan tegar dengan banyak masalah yang ibu hadapi .
sosok pemberani dan tegas yang memang selalu menegakkan hukum dan keadilan sesuai dengan lencana yang engkau pakai selama ini, sesuai dengan title yang engkau sandang selama ini yakni seorang Polwan AKP Elisabeth Polnaya yang selalu membantu masyarakat dimanapun mereka membutuhkan.
ibu juga bahkan lupa memiliki rumah pribadi karena tugas dan kewajiban ibu tak henti menghampiri ibu selama 24 jam .
hal itu bukan berarti ibu tak memperhatikan keluarga ibu, ibu selalu berusaha meluangkan waktu demi anak-anak ibu yang ibu kasihi ..
tak pernah saya bayangkan jika ibu pergi ..
sekalipun saya bukan anak kandung ibu tapi ibu sudah begitu dekat dengan saya .
ibu juga tak pernah membedakan saya dengan anak-anak ibu .
nasehat yang sama juga ibu berikan kepada saya ..
entah bagaimana perasaan anak-anak ibu jika saya sendiri tak dapat menerima kenyataan ini ..
bukan ! bukan bukan saya tak mengikhlaskan ibu pergi bu . bukan !
saya hanya tak bisa menerima kenyataan ini terjadi .
masih melekat dalam benak saya ketika ibu seorang anggota Polri berpangkat tinggi tak malu dan tak segan dengan berjalan kaki bersama saya menuju tempat tugas, karena selama yang saya tahu seorang yang memiliki jabatan dalam kepolisian diperlakukan bak tuan raja yang meskipun hanya berjarak 500m harus menggunakan mobil, namun semua itu tak tercermin pada ibu.
ibu yang selalu menyapa dan tersenyum kepada siapapun itu yang meskipun ibu tak kenal.
ibu ..
biasanya dari pagi dan sore hari kita menghabiskan waktu berdua .
duduk bersebelahan dengan menghadap komputer masing-masing dan mengerjakan tugas masing-masing diiringi dengan lagu-lagu yang saya putar diruangan 3x5m ini.
biasanya ibu akan protes jika lagu yang saya putar tak enak ditelinga ibu dan ibu minta diputarkan lagu-lagu nostalgia yang saya juga mengerti.
ibu ..
biasanya kita makan siang bersama dengan selera yang sama diwarung depan kantor yang juga ibu anggap seperti keluarga sendiri . :')
ibu bisa request masakan apapun dari pemilik warung yakni Bu Ambon dan beliau akan menuruti semua permintaan ibu ..
lihat ibu, itu karena ibu memang seorang yang sangat baik tanpa membangun dinding pemisah seorang pejabat polisi dengan masyarakat.
ibu ..
hari ini saya benar-benar merasa semuanya hilang ..
meskipun sebelum ibu benar-benar pergi ibu sudah berdinas diluar kota yang memang sudah tak bersama saya lagi .
namun semua itu berbeda ..
sejak ibu tak ada, setiap membuka ruangan semua terasa berbeda ..
harapan dan bayangan ibu akan kembali sudah sirna bersama waktu yang menjawab .
saat ini saya harus duduk sendiri .
mendengarkan lagu-lagu saya seorang diri dengan kursi kosong disamping saya dan dengan cendela terbuka bersama hembusan angin.
melakukan segalanya seorang diri dan tak pernah lagi ada yang menyayangi saya seperti ibu ditempat ini. :((
ibu ..
bahkan saya tak pernah berpikir jika Tuhan begitu menyayangi ibu .
tapi Tuhan telah memberikan cobaan berat dalam 2 bulan terakhir sebelum kepergian ibu selamanya ..
ibu ...
ibu Elisabeth Polnaya tersayang, ibuku tercinta, ibu keduaku yang juga aku sayang .
selamat jalan dan selamat tinggal ..
walau tak lama tapi ibu tetap tinggal dalam hati saya .
ibu tetap bersama saya dalam jiwa meskipun tak dalam raga.
semoga kebaikanmu akan selalu dikenang oleh mereka-mereka yang pernah merasakannya..
semoga Tuhan menjagamu dengan baik dan penuh kasih sayang seperti engkau menjagaku .
baik-baik disana ya bu ..
jangan pernah lupa bahwa saya sangat menyayangi ibu .. :')
Ibu Elis lengkap dengan baju dinas dan pangkat AKP :)
akhir perjalanan ibu :'(
terimakasih atas segalanya ibu ..
semoga ibu bahagia sekarang dan selamaya bersama Tuhan di Surga :')
-salam sayang Mutia-
ahaa ~
i found something interesting again that you can enjoying when you are visit Korea . :D
here !!
1. Chili Pickled Cabbage (Kimchi 김치)
I’m going to start this South Korean food list with not really a dish at all, but something that is critically vital and quintessential to any Korean meal: KIMCHI.
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While there are many different kinds of kimchi, the most common version is made with napa cabbage that is preserved and lightly fermented in bright red chili flakes. Love kimchi and you’re on your way to being a Korean food connoisseur!
There were quite a few meals in Seoul where I settled for nothing more than rice and kimchi (and I was very happy).
Cost – comes free nearly every restaurant you eat at, a huge sack of homemade kimchi to eat with rice for 5,000 Won ($4.39) – it must have been 1.5 kilos!
2. Samgyeopsal (삼겹살)
Fatty slices of pork belly grilled before your nose is a South Korean foodie favorite. A few slabs of this ultra-tasty pork along with garnishes of lettuce leaves, garlic and chili paste, and you’ve got a flavor to cherish.
It’s not the healthiest South Korean food, but if you are a lover of pig,samgyeopsal is something you can’t miss eating when you’re in Korea!
Cost – about 8,000 Won ($7.00) per plate
3. Pork Bulgogi (Daeji Bulgogi 불고기)
Another famous Korean specialty barbecued meat is known as Bulgogi. While it’s normally made from beef, bulgogi can also be made with thin strips of pork or chicken.
As a Thai meat lover, this daeji bulgogi was a dish I couldn’t get enough of – highly recommended!
Cost – around 8,000 ($7.00) Won per plate
4. Korean Barbecue (Gogigui 고기구이)
There’s no better way to spend an evening in Korea than sitting around a personal grill munching down a traditional Korean barbecue feast.
Cost – varies greatly depending on meat but in the 8,000 Won ($7.00) per person range
5. Hangover Stew (Haejangguk 해장국)
The famous Korean hangover stew is something I was really excited to sample when I arrived in South Korea. It came in a piping hot earthenware dish.
There are a number of different variations of Haejangguk, but the one I ate was made with pork spine bones. The broth was rich and spicy, flavored with tender chunks or fatty pork and Korean chili paste.
Cost – 5,000 – 6,000 Won ($4.39 – $5.26))
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Sundunbu Jjigae |
6. Soft Tofu Stew (Sundubu Jjigae 순두부찌게)
A flaming hot pot of Sundubu Jjigae is a flavorful Korean dish. Made with super soft tofu, a few bits of seafood, addictive kimchi soup, and an egg thrown on top, there’s not much else as comforting on a cold rainy day.
This tofu stew is best enjoyed with a side of steamed rice and a few pickled vegetables.
Cost – 5,000 Won ($4.39)
Cost – 5,000 Won ($4.39)
7. Mixed Seafood Stew
Among the repertoire of South Korean jjigae hot chili infested stews is the massively flavorful seafood variation made with whatever kind of seafood is on hand all boiled in a hot earthenware pot of goodness.
Cost – 5,000 Won ($4.39)
8. Kimchi Stew (Kimchi Jjigae 김치찌개)
South Korean food is unbelievably delicious, but if I could choose just one thing to eat over and over again, it would have to be kimchi jjigae.
Napa cabbage kimchi is boiled with chunks of fatty pork and a few other seasonings and ingredients and then brewed into a stew that boasts intense flavors and will have your belly craving for more!
Napa cabbage kimchi is boiled with chunks of fatty pork and a few other seasonings and ingredients and then brewed into a stew that boasts intense flavors and will have your belly craving for more!
Cost – 4,000 – 5,000 Won ($3.51 – $4.39)
9. Fish Stew (Saengseon Jjigae 생선찌개)
Cost – 5,000 Won ($4.39)
10. Spicy Stir Fried Octopus (Nakji Bokkeum 낙지볶음)
Cost – 7,000 – 10,000 Won ($6.14 – $8.77)
11. Korean Ox Bone Soup (Seolleongtang 설렁탕)
Ox bones simmered on low heat for hours and hours is the highlight of Korean seolleongtang. The dish is served plain, a few light noodles, slices of beef and green onions.
The broth is delivered to you unsalted and unseasoned so it’s up to you to add salt, pepper, chili paste and extra green onions to your own taste.
Cost – 5,000 – 6,000 Won ($4.39 – $5.26)
12. Hotpot Mixed Rice (Dolsot Bibimbap 돌솥 비빔밥)
Famous and widely available, bibimbap is like fried rice, but instead of being fried it’s just all mixed up like a salad. It’s the khao yam or khao kluk kaphi or Korean cuisine.
Dolsot bibimbap is served in a scorching earthenware pot so every bite is extremely hot in temperature. Be sure to start mixing it immediately so the rice doesn’t get too crunchy burnt on the bottom!
Cost – 4,000 – 5,000 Won ($3.51 – $4.39)
13. Korean Mixed Rice (Cold Bibimbap 비빔밥)
I enjoyed both the cold and hot versions, but given the choice, I preferred the scorching hot dolsot bibimbap.
Cost – 3,000 – 5,000 Won ($2.63 – $4.39)
14. Steamed Mandu Dumplings (Jjinmandu 찐만두)
Similar to jiaozi in China or gyoza in Japan, Korean mandu dumplings are noodle like wrappers stuffed with a variety of different ingredients. Pork, onions, cabbage, carrots, and mung bean noodles are all common ingredients within these pillows of delicious goodness.
The steamed versions are known as Jjinmandu.
Cost – 3,000 for a plate ($2.63)
15. Deep Fried Mandu (Yaki Mandu)
Stuffed with pork, glass noodles and an array of salty seasonings, these deep fried mandu’s are guaranteed to be mouthwatering. They are most delicious when serving piping hot and dipped in the soy vinegar sauce provided.
Cost – 3,000 Won for a plate ($2.63), this mixed platter cost me 7,000 Won
16. Noodles in Ice Soup (Mul Naengmyeon 물 냉면)
I was fascinated how South Korean food incorporates extremely piping hot dishes as well as extremely cold dishes. I’ve eaten cool noodles in China, but Korea is the first time I’ve ever been where there’s a noodle dish that’s actually served in ice.
These buckwheat noodles are originally from Pyongyang in North Korea, but they are widely available in South Korea as well. I loved the gummy texture of the noodles and the sesame seed essence in the soup.
Warning: you will get the shivers from eating this dish!
Cost – 3,000 – 5,000 Won ($2.63 – $4.39)
17. Mixed Cold Noodles (Bibim Naengmyeon 비빔 냉면)
It was like a kimchi popsicle and it was delicious!
Cost – 3,000 – 5,000 Won ($2.63 – $4.39)
18. Kimchi Fried Rice (Kimchi Bokkeumbap 김치 볶음밥)
Take South Koreas most iconic vegetable garnish (kimchi), stir fry it with a few chunks of hot dog or luncheon meat and rice, cover it with a fried egg and sprinkle it with toasted seaweed and sesame seeds and you’ve got a dish that no one could dislike!
It’s the type of South Korean food that tastes good any day of the week or for whatever mood you’re in. Don’t forget to eat kimchi fried rice with a side of kimchi!
Cost – 3,000 – 5,000 Won ($2.63 – $4.39)
19. Fried Sweet Potato Noodles (Japchae 잡채)
Fried in sesame oil and garnished with toasted sesame seeds, japchae has a mouthwatering fragrance that a taste you’ll love.
Often served as a side dish.
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Bindaetteok |
20. Mung Bean Pancake (Bindaetteok 빈대떡)
South Korean food includes a variety of pancakes. These are not your ordinary pan fried hot cakes with a bit of syrup on top, Korean pancakes are salty, filled with tons of ingredients and fried in lots of oil!
Among the selection, one pancake I really enjoyed eating, again at the Gwangjang Market, was the mung bean pancake known as bindaetteok.
Made from ground mung beans, green onions and kimchi, this beauty was deep fried and served with a vinaigrette dipping sauce.
Cost – 4,000 Won ($3.51)
21. Korean Blood Sausage (Soondae 순대)
Blood pudding lovers… it’s time to rejoice – Korean’s take pride in theirsoondae (or sundae) and I’d have to say it’s nothing short of fantastic.
This version I ate at the Gwanjang Market in Seoul was a masterful combo of sticky rice and pig’s blood stuffed into intestines and steamed to perfection.
Cost – 6,000 Won ($5.26) for this
plate (should have fed 2 – 3 people, it was a lot!)
22. Octopus Mixed Plate
This is kind of the chicken nuggets snack platter of modern Seoul. Not sure how long this deadly delicious combo has been around, but my guess is that it’s been a rather recent invention.
I first found this dish in the bustling shopping district of Myeongdong at a chain restaurant. Spicy stir fried octopus, spicy daikon radish kimchi and plain rice and seaweed gimbap is a merger that was meant to be together.
Cost – 6,000 Won ($3.51) per plate
23. Gimbap 김밥
People in Hawaii took original Japanese ideas to create the SPAM musubi, and Koreans crafted the gimbap.
Eaten as a meal or just an on-the-go snack, gimbap is one of South Korea’s most beloved foods. Similar to a Japanese style hand roll, gimbap is an assemblage of sushi rice, a few Korean pickled vegetables, spinach, and ham all wrapped in sheets of toasted seaweed.
Gimbap can be enjoyed standing on the side of the street in a tent, taken away in a foil wrapper or ordered at many Korean restaurant’s.
Cost – 1,500 Won ($1.32) per roll
24. Korean Chicken Skewers (Dakkochi 닭꼬치)
I’ve eaten a lot of grilled chicken in my life, but I’m going to honest when I tell you that grilled dakkochi chicken skewers is up there with the best of them.
Similar to mishkaki in Tanzania but these skewers in South Korea are lathered in an outrageously flavorful red chili sauce that will make your close your eyes and leave all your worries behind.
Cost – 2,000 Won ($1.75) per stick
25. Korean Side Dishes (Banchan반찬)
One of the joys of any South Kokimchi, it’s often a house speciality surprise as to what banchanyou’ll receive.
rean meal at a restaurant is all the little side dishes that are perpetually served. Though there are a few standards like
Though I stuffed in my share of banchan accompanying tidbits, this little bowl of curry pasted raw crab was one of the most memorable. The crab was tender and awesomely tasty when coated in the thick red chili paste.
26. Tornado Potatoes
Wildly popular and trendy to eat in the busy shopping districts of Seoul, these French fries with a twist are what I might refer to as “quality junk food.”
Cost – 2,000 Won ($1.75)
27. Gooey Deep Fried Snack (Hotteok 호떡)
Purchased in the midst of the Bukchon Hanok Village in Seoul, these little deep fried treats were packed with tastiness. The vender had two options: One savory and one sweet.
I preferred the salty version, a crispy thin gooey outer layer filled with glass noodles and garlicky pork!
Cost – 1,000 Won ($0.88)
28. Korean Tempura (Twigim 튀김)
Unless it’s for health purposes, there’s not much to dislike about crispy deep fried things.
Cost – varies but this plate was 3,000 Won ($2.63)
29. Red Rice Cakes (Tteokbokki 떡볶이)
If you’re hunting for Korean street food, tteokbokki is likely the first thing you’ll discover – it’s everywhere in Seoul! It’s the poke bowl of Seoul – a dish that’s common, easy to eat and fabulously tasty.
Cost – 2,500 – 4,000 Won ($2.19 – $3.51)
what do you think ?
it's made you drool ??? :D
it's made you drool ??? :D
i think it's happens tou you .. >,<
this entri based of true story of Mark Wiens who experienced visit Korea and tasted the dishes there ><
i want so badly .. :(
first, i think Hanok Village only one in Korea ..
this is Bukchon Hanok Village ..
but right now i found another Hanok Village ..
enjoy it guys ! ^^
this is Bukchon Hanok Village ..
but right now i found another Hanok Village ..
enjoy it guys ! ^^
Location : Pil dong, Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea
This place was opened on April 18, 1998
This place has a total area of 79,934m² (24,180 square meters)
Inside Namsangol Hanok Village
This place includes
Five Traditional Korean-style house, Traditional Crafts Exhibition, Cheonwoogak Gwangjangdong, and Time Capsule Square
Time Capsule Square was made by Seoul's 600 anniversary
Traditional Garden was made by considering the feelings of the Namsan valley.
Namsangol Hanok Village is including five Traditional Korean-style house.
They were scattered all over Seoul, Seoul has restored it.
This is related to " Find the original form of Namsan valley" project.
The time capsule Square is situated deep in Namsan valley Korean-style house town.
600 things you can see the life of Seoul citizens were buried. ( 15 meters deep underground )
kind of jar ^^
This is the opening, after 400 years. ( When is the 2394 )
Come down from the time capsule Square, you can see a traditional garden.
Traditional garden save the form of Namsan. ( The composition of the hills and valleys gently. )
Local wood such as pine were planted, the tower is occasionally installed,
Appearance of the tower and the city is showing the past and current state of the Seoul
In the one corner of the traditional garden, Five Traditional Korean-style house are showing their old look.
we can see many tourist around the world visit this Hanok Village
the Garden old look .. ^^
Blue Sky with beautiful culture ~
Namsangol Hanok Village was located in Namsan valley Korean-style house town.
The width of this 7,934m² (2,400 square meters)
The Thoroughbred five Korean-style house which were restored are located in this Korean-style house town
Been designated as the folklore of 23 traditional houses in Seoul, among these traditional houses,
a transformed house was excepted.
1. Home of General Kim chunyoung ( Old house of Kim, Hong - Gi ) in Samcheong-dong, Jongno-gu
2. Son-in-law of the king, Park younghyo's house ( Old house of Lee, Jin - Seung ) in Gwanhun-dong
3. Empress Yoon's parents' house ( Old house of Suh, Yong - Tack ) in Okin-dong
4. Yun taekyoung's second wife's house ( Old house of Jeong, Gyu - yeop ) in Jegidong, Dongdaemun-gu
5. A master builder Lee Seungeop's house ( Old Choheung Bank management ) in Samgakdong, Jung-gu
etc ...
The above is an example.
It was impossible to restore the third house. So, it was restored to the new material.
The rest of the building disassembled.
Non-recyclable lumber was replaced with Mt.Seorak's pine.
In the third house, you can learn culture such as manner and crafts.
In the forth house, you can learn Chinese poem, calligraphy etc.
In the second house, you can see the performance of Korean sound.
In the first house, you can see the preformance of Intangible Cultural Property.
In the fifth house, you can drink the traditional tea.
Also, in the Craft Gallery you can see folk painting, lacquerware inlaid with mother-of-pearl and
traditional knot. And they sell a variety of crafts.
In the yard, you can see the performance of traditional folk games.
See ??
how beautiful this Namsangol Hanok Village ??? >,<
Source : cinecafe.kr
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