Senin, 08 September 2014


human ~ 
is a selfish creature who never thought of anything else but theyselves. 
forgot where they came from and how they got there.
why be born, why they can grow up, why they have eyes and how they can breathe? 
surely they will forget all about it. 
worldly create a truth becomes visible 
above that there is observer who was patiently watching us, there is who always fulfilling prayer listened to our complaints and one was waiting for us with a good return without the burden of sin that so much. 
he is the Lord! 

there is one thing that is absolutely essential and I wanted to ask. 
whether you've always been grateful ?? 
whether you have thanked God for the sustenance these days ?? 
whether you've been grateful for the oxygen that you breathe today? 
whether you've been grateful to be feeling the sun today ? 
whether you've been grateful for the success that you have achieved until today ? 

yes, .. 
majority said YES, I WAS THANKFUL and some say I FORGET! 

human ~ 
The man is nothing and nobody. 
Remember that the sky above there is heaven. 
that God created all things not to boast, but grateful. 
why should we chase wealth and power so forget about God? 
whether you guys do realize that ?? 
isn't hard to do grateful, yet so difficult to realize. 

never underestimate God! 
He did not scold not mean He liked everything you did. 

God does not need your wealth, your power or your popularity. 
God only takes His people to live by always remembering Him in they heart and mind, in ther right time will be back with a good and clean and meet again with the Lord in Heaven. 

but not many are aware of it. 
so now the world becomes a very scary because of greed and wickedness of man. 

Oh God .. 
do not let all men die in vain without remember You .
show of power and strength that You're always there and watched us (humans) in the world. 

make peace the world is like when Adam and Mother Eve side by side and love each other without interruption. 
because I was getting scared ~ 
I will not be able to stare at the beauty of the natural world again with a smile :( 


because our closest friend aren't our family, our husband / wife, not our little lover or friend. 
we were always faithful companions at any time with DEATH. 
if God wants, then death will come to us whenever it ..
so do not forget to always be GRATEFUL and do NICE in your life ! 
always pray to God, because we do not know how great the power of prayer!

That is my religion always teach :)

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