Sabtu, 30 Agustus 2014 1 komentar


Subhanallah ..

begitu besar kuasaMu ya Allah ..

aku menulis entri ini setelah menonton sebuah tayangan di Youtube yang memang secara iseng sengaja aku cari ..

entah kenapa tiba-tiba aku memikirkan untuk mencari hal ini lagi, padahal sebelumnya aku sudah mencari artikel tentang Islam di Korea dan menemukan banyak sekali sumber ..

mungkin benar bahwa dari sekian juta penduduk Korea (sekitar 50jt keatas) warga yang menganut agama Islam hanya sekitar 0,4% .

bisa dikatakan sangat sedikit sekali karena tak mencapai 1% hanya berkisar 200rb jiwa yang menganut agama Islam karena kita semua tahu bahwa Korea Selatan termasuk negara yang menganut paham Atheis (tak mengenal Tuhan) yang cukup besar didunia, jadi menurutku 200rb jiwa itu adalah sudah merupakan sesuatu yang berharga yang patut dibanggakan dan terus dikembangkan. :) Alhamdulillah .

dari seklumit video yang aku lihat, dinegara Korea Islam masih dipandang sebelah mata karena mereka masih berpikir bahwa agama Islam adalah pemancing peperangan. Sangat disayangkan sekali dan sangat disesali pikiran mereka nampaknya masih belum terbuka tentang agama Islam. Sangat perlu ditekankan sekali lagi pada mata dunia bahwa ISLAM BUKAN TERORIS, ISLAM BUKAN PEMECAH BELAH DAN PENYEBAB PERANG !! jika memang saat ini lebih sering terjadi konflik pada negara-negara yang mayoritas Muslim bukan berarti Islam adalah agama yang suka berperang.

Seperti yang kita ketahui saat ini meskipun kita menutup mata, Israel vs Palestina. Lihatlah, apakah kalian yakin bahwa Palestina terlebih dahulu yang mencari gara-gara kepada Israel yang notabene mayoritas kaum Yahudi, apakah kalian yakin bahwa Palestinalah yang memang sengaja mengajak mereka berperang ???

Aku sangat yakin kalian sudah mengerti dan pernah membaca sejarah panjang pertempuran mereka. Tapi, sungguh tidak adil bukan jika Palestina yang terus dipersalahkan sebagai negara Muslim adalah penyebab perang ? 

tak hanya dibuku, disekolah ataupun dalam kitab Injil, Zabur, dan Taurat saja yang melarang berperang bahkan dalam Al-Qur'an pun tertulis bahwa meneteskan darah sesama makhluk hidup adalah perbuatan keji yang Allah SWT sangat membencinya. Jangankan membunuh, berperang atau saling membantai, dalam Al-Qur'an membicarakan kejelekan saudara sesama manusia saja dianggap memakan bangkai sendiri.

seperti yang tertulis pada Surat Al-Baqarah (49):12 , sbb:

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اجْتَنِبُوا كَثِيرًا مِّنَ الظَّنِّ إِنَّ بَعْضَ الظَّنِّ إِثْمٌ وَلَا تَجَسَّسُوا وَلَا يَغْتَب بَّعْضُكُم بَعْضًا أَيُحِبُّ أَحَدُكُمْ أَن يَأْكُلَ لَحْمَ أَخِيهِ مَيْتًا فَكَرِهْتُمُوهُ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ إِنَّ اللَّهَ تَوَّابٌ رَّحِيمٌ﴿١٢﴾
Hai orang-orang yang beriman, jauhilah kebanyakan prasangka (kecurigaan), karena sebagian dari prasangka itu dosa. dan janganlah mencari-cari keburukan orang dan janganlah menggunjingkan satu sama lain. Adakah seorang diantara kamu yang suka memakan daging saudaranya yang sudah mati? Maka tentulah kamu merasa jijik kepadanya. dan bertakwalah kepada Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Penerima taubat lagi Maha Penyayang (Surah Al Baqarah (49):12)

Lihat bukan ?

betapa Islam adalah agama yang sangat membenci keburukan umatNya ..

lalu bagaimana bisa orang-orang berkata bahwa ISLAM adalah TERORIS ??????!!
bagaimana bisa ?? apa tendency mereka ??

aku memang bukan orang yang benar-benar baik dan menjalankan Islam agamaku dengan sangat baik seperti para ulama, Ustadz atau seperti Nabi Muhammad. Aku hanyalah manusia biasa sama seperti yang lain yang juga memiliki setumpuk bahkan segunung dosa dalam kehidupanku, namun aku sangat menyayangi dan menjunjung tinggi agamaku. Bagiku Islam adalah takdir dan Anugerah terbaik yang Tuhan berikan padaku.

sebagai umat Muslim, terdapat larangan yang sangat menonjol dan sangat kentara dalam kehidupan sosial masyarakat dinegara Ginseng tersebut. Umat Muslim sangat dilarang keras memakan dan meminum yang haram seperti Babi dan Alkohol, sedangkan disana memakan daging babi dan meminum Alkohol adalah kebiasaan yang benar-benar tidak dapat ditinggalkan. Ibaratnya jika orang Korea non-Muslim dilarang makan Babi dan minum Alkohol seperti dilarang memakan ayam dan minum susu di Indonesia.

Itulah mengapa umat Muslim di Korea adalah umat terhebat yang mampu tetap kuat pada Imannya dan mampu menahan segala godaan dan hawa nafsu demi mendapat Ridho dan Rejeki yang baik dan halal dari Allah SWT.

hmmm ..

Islam bukan terlalu banyak aturan, tapi Allah melarang karena memang benar-benar memiliki alasan sendiri.

ingin bukti ??

lihat ini Mengapa daging babi Haram .

setelah menonton video tersebut kalian sudah pasti mengerti dan memahami kenapa Islam tak memakan daging Babi.

betapa baik dan Mulia Allah menyelamatkan umatNya dari berbagai hal buruk yang mengancam keselamatannya selama didunia.

sebenarnya selama kita hidup secara wajar dalam lingkungan di Korea, maka menjadi seorang muslim disana tidaklah sulit (meski juga tidak mudah). Namun kita benar-benar tak boleh melupakan batasan dan ajaran yang sudah kita pahami dan ketahui. Umat Islam di Korea pernah berkata mereka juga merasa berat, namun mereka tetap bersyukur dan bangga menjadi seorang Muslim. 

inilah video yang membuatku merasa lebih bangga dan bersyukur karena lahir sebagai seorang Muslim . :)

sudah banyak remaja dan warga pribumi yang tak malu untuk masuk Islam dan mereka merayakan Ramadhan dengan sangat baik. ALHAMDULILLAH .... :)

Jumat, 29 Agustus 2014 1 komentar


i'm is one of kind person who really like about Korea .
so, i never bored to share or search news about that country .
keep stalking my Blog everyone .. ^^


Seoul Arts Center is home to many artistic disciplines, comprising an Opera House, Music Hall, the Hangaram Art Museum, the Hangaram Design Museum and the Seoul Calligraphy Museum. The center also features a fountain plaza and outdoor café, making it a popular year-round destination.

Seoul Arts Center was established to develop and promote Korean arts and culture of the highest caliber and to forge links with the international art scene. Now considered one of the world’s 10 leading arts centers, Seoul Arts Center also runs an Arts Academy which acts as a cultural bridge to help improve public access to the arts


An arts venue for all seasons

Seoul Arts Center is more than just a space divided into interior gallery and performance spaces. Its beautiful architecture and landscaped surroundings, with their fountain plaza and well-manicured lawns, create a welcoming and relaxing setting in which to reflect on the arts.

Seoul Arts Center is set in beautiful natural surroundings

Seoul Arts Center

Seoul Arts Center

in front of Seoul Arts Center Building

The Opera House: a unique building
As the center’s signature building, the Opera House is its principal performance space. Designed in the shape of a gat (traditional Korean hat made of bamboo and horsehair) and completed in 1993, its scale and facilities are world-class. The circular building comprises three theaters and is so beautiful that at night many people visit the center especially to see it.

The Opera House by night

The Opera House seen from the Culture Plaza

inside of  The Opera House

The real of The Opera House

The Music Hall: a world-class venue
The Music Hall, which opened in 1988, was Korea’s first concert hall exclusively devoted to classical music and now regularly hosts leading international performers. The building’s clean lines and modern design are shot through with a distinctive Korean aesthetic, giving the impression of a giant musical instrument. The Music Hall features the latest sound system and stage equipment, a luxurious auditorium and a welcoming atmosphere perfect for meeting friends and relaxing.

The World Music Fountain: a dynamic water-sculpture
Opened in 2002, the World Music Fountain is the central attraction at the Culture Plaza between the Opera House and Music Hall, and is much-loved by both concert-goers and by Seoulites seeking sanctuary from city bustle. The fountain’s dynamic jets create an ever-changing water-sculpture to accompany carefully selected musical pieces and its multi-colored lighting system makes a nighttime visit unforgettable. 

The Concert Hall

Children love the World Music Fountain

Seoul Calligraphy Museum
Seoul Calligraphy Museum opened in 1988 and is the world’s only museum devoted to this traditional art form and is very popular with international visitors interested in the history and culture of Chinese characters. Its 10 galleries, spread over two floors, introduce the traditional beauty of ancient calligraphy and the intriguing new directions the art form has taken in more modern times.

Multilingual guides are available at the Opera House and Concert Hall.

The Calligraphy Museum

Outside seating at Café Mozart

For the Arts Academy, visit (Korean)

Adress   : 2406, Nambusunhwan-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul
Phone    : +82-2-580-1300
Website : (English)
Hours of OperationPerformance times vary.
Please use the website to plan your visit.
Parking1) Cars weighing -2.5 ton Performance guests: KRW 4,000 for first 5 hours / Exhibition guests: KRW 3,000 for first 3 and a half hours / Cafe guests: KRW 1,000/hour (normal fee charged for parking +3 hours)
2) Cars weighing +2.5 ton: KRW 10,000 for first 5 hours.
3) Normal fee Cars leaving within 30 min. are not charged. Cars parking +30 min.: KRW 1,000/15 min. * Nighttime parking (24:00~09:00 the next day): KRW 10,000 + normal fee thereafter * Guests for performance and exhibit/ students and guests for more than 3 exhibits: Max. KRW 5,000
Other LanguagesVary depending on programs.
Discount InformationParking fee discount 
Cars with disabled / national merit card owner: Free for 5 hours including performance, 3 and a half hours including exhibition hall visit, 3 hours at cafe, 50% discount thereafter 50% discount for compact / low carbon footprint cars * Discounts cannot be combined.
Other FacilitiesCafeteria, Nursing room, Children's playing room, Record shop, Art museum, etc.
Facilities for the DisabledAccessible restrooms 
Disabled parking
Wheelchair-accessible elevators
Wheelchair-accessible ticket and information booths
Wheelchair rentals
and now i'm realize why most of Korean has really good act or maybe be a good singer and foreign celebrities really like Korea ..
this is the answer .
they have many Art Center to practice and perform ,
good job for Korea's goverment . :)
Seoul Art Center is not one and only .

Source : 

please comment, don't be a silent reader . :)

Kamis, 28 Agustus 2014 0 komentar


South Korea has one of the biggest River in that country .
that is Han River (Hangang) as we know from Drama, Movie or Variety Show from Korea ..
everyone who see that kind of beautiful scene really want to visit there . *including me ><*

River of Light view from 63 City

The Hangang River offers some of the best night views in Seoul

While New York gets credit as the city that never sleeps, to really experience a town that operates on a 24-hour basis, you’ve got to come to Seoul. The Korean capital is plenty exciting during the daylight hours, of course, but it really comes alive after sunset, when its streets and alleyways pulsate with an infectious energy. When night falls, Seoul is a place of endless possibilities.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, then, Seoul is blessed with a fine nighttime cityscape, which can be enjoyed from a number of easily reached vantage points. Some of the best views of the city at night can be had from along or even on the Hangang River, Seoul’s landmark waterway. This tour will take us to some of the best nighttime viewpoints in the city, both from above and from ground level.

Hangang Park & Mulbit Squareà Conrad Hotel Yeouidoà  IFC Mallà 63 Cityà
Hangang Cruiseà Banpo Bridge & Moonlight Rainbow Fountainà  Jamsil Seokchon Lake & Lotte Worldà Park Hyatt Seoulà Bongeunsa

Map of Hangang 

Seoul’s Manhattan

Yeouido is often called Seoul’s Manhattan, and the comparison is not without some basis; this long island in the Hangang River is both home to the city’s tallest buildings and the financial and political heart of Korea. With its views of the river and pleasant pools and fountains,Yeouido Hangang Park and its Mulbit Square is a fine place to stroll about relaxingly in the early evening.
The Conrad Seoul Hotel, featured in the 2013 drama “That Winter: The Wind Blows,” is not only one of Seoul’s newest luxury hotels, but is also blessed with dramatic views over the Hangang River from its highly recommended restaurants and bars. The hotel is part of the largerInternational Finance Center Seoul, or IFC, a massive mixed-use development crowned by the 55-story Three IFC Building, one of Korea’s tallest buildings. Hidden beneath the skyscrapers is the IFC Mall, a trendy shopping center that, during the daylight hours, is lit by natural light that pours in through its 17m high glass pavilions. Both the Conrad and the IFC Mall are good places to eat, too.



At the eastern tip of the island is 63 City, perhaps Seoul’s best recognized architecture landmark. Completed in 1985, the golden tower---yes, it really is covered in a thin layer of 24-carat gold---was briefly the tallest building outside of North America when it opened. The top floor hosts an art gallery (the world’s highest!) and an observation deck which offers dramatic sunsets over the Hangang River and the rest of the city. It’s a view you’ve got to experience at least once during your visit. If you’d prefer a more private view of the sunset, just below the observation deck is the plush eatery Above the Clouds, one of the most romantic date spots in the country. In the lower floors of the tower is a shopping mall and a very large aquarium, one of Korea’s best.

Cruising the Hangang

Not far from 63 City is Yeouido Pier, where you can catch a cruise boat on the Hangang River. The ultimate in evening relaxation, the cruise lets you take in the city’s inspiring nighttime scenery from water level and enjoy the refreshing summer breeze while you’re at it. Several cruise options are available, with the longest ones going to Jamsil in the eastern part of the city.
Among the scenic highlights you’ll pass is the Banpo Bridge and its spectacular Moonlight Rainbow Fountain, the world’s longest bridge fountain with its 380 multicolored water jets. Next to the Banpo Bridge is the so-called Floating Islands, an architecturally inspired set of artificial islands that are lit up at night. Several of the river’s landmark bridges, including the historic Hangang Bridge, are lit up at night as well.

Floating Island

Moonlight Rainbow Fountain

Jamsil Vistas

The cruise boat will dock at Jamsil Pier, the gateway to Seoul’s southeastern Jamsil district, home to Olympic Stadium, Jamsil Baseball Stadium and the sprawling Olympic Park.
One of Seoul’s most popular tourist destinations, Lotte World is a massive entertainment and leisure complex that is home to the world’s largest indoor amusement park. At night however, the real gem is the outdoor amusement park, the eye-caching Magic Island, with its Disney-esque castle which is lit up at night. True to its name, the park is located on an island in the middle of Seokchon Lake, a section of the Hangang River that was transformed into an artificial lake due to land reclamation in the 1970s. The lake, a popular recreation area, is lined by walking and jugging paths. You’ll find plenty of restaurants and pubs around at night, too.
A short subway ride from Jamsil will bring you to the bustling Samseong-dong district, home to the COEX Mall, one of the largest shopping centers in the world, currently in renovation. Overlooking the mall is the Park Hyatt Seoul, where you can enjoy stunning panoramic views of Seoul at night from the hotel’s unique top-floor lobby. The top floor is also home to The Lounge, a wonderful coffee shop that shares the same panoramic views as the lobby.
Also near COEX is the historic Buddhist temple of Bongeunsa. An oasis of peace and tranquility in the heart of the city, the temple is well worth a visit on its own merit, but for one of the most inspiring night views of the city, climb the hill behind the temple’s grand statue of the Buddha. The view of the Buddha against the backdrop of Seoul’s glass and steel skyscrapers is not only beautiful, but also a microcosm of the coexistence of traditional and modern that epitomizes the Korean capital.

Seokchon Lake

Bongeunsa Temple

woaahh ~
it's such a beautiful night ..
i'm always dreamed i can date in that place ..
hope it will be happen soon . ^^ 

Source :

Sabtu, 23 Agustus 2014 1 komentar

BIGBANG and 2NE1 Shop in South Korea ~

anyone knows that Bigbang and 2NE1 always stylish and fashionable ..
everything that they wore always eye catchy and fit for their body ..
one fact we don't have to forget that Bigbang has Fashion Icon and he is G-Dragon !
so ??
do you want to know where they are often bought clothes and accessories ?

come on and read carefully !!


Located at 10, Eonju-ro 168-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul we can buy Imported apparels, because this store speciality for Imported Apparels .
Branded that sold in this store are the famous brand such as TOPMAN, HENRIK, VIBSKOV, GRENSON, WOOD WOOD, KTZ etc .
they sell things like T-shirts, pants, bags, hats, accessories, and shoes .
and this store was Frequented by Big Bang and 2NE1 !!
woaaahh ~
finally we can wear anything like Bigbang or 2NE1 ..... ><
but when you want to buy apparels there you must brings a lot of Money with you . XD
since i know that price in that store is really amazing for people who in the middle class like me . :')
there is price range : 

ITEM                                                Price
shirts                                                60,000~250,000 Won , 
denim, pants                                 140,000~500,000 won, 
jackets                                           180,000~3,000,000 won, 
bags, shoes, accessories           100,000~2,000,000 won

Quiet and clean atmosphere ... 
Fashion items with lots of patters, and second hand goods used by celebrities ....
This store open at : 
( weekday )11:00~21:00
( weekend )11:00~20:00

what do you think ??? :)
do you want some ??
detail :

doesn't stop there ..wait !!
There are other stores that sell everything about YG Entertainment .
since i really like Bigbang i just posting about everything about them :D

YG Shop ~

Located inside 'KHOS', a multi-shop store within Lotte Young Plaza (Myeong-dong) at 
67, Namdaemun-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, there is sell everything abou YG Ent. 

  • Clothing, stationary, and photo album memorabilia of YG Entertainment and its Kpop stars
  • YG fashion line and You Great products
  • YG Kpop albums ( Bigbang, Psy, 2NE1, Lee Hi, Winner etc. )
open : 11:30~21:30 KST
Closed : open around year ..

on the 1st Floor it was Cafe
In that store was sold things like Clothing, Stationary, Photos, CDs and more ..
and i think the price more cheaper then in Addicted Store (of Course because Addicted was Imported Apparels -_-)
price range : Clothing, 20,000~200,000 won / Stationary, 3,000~20,000 won 

it's driving me crazy .. T.T
i want some of their clothes, shoes, jacket, album of Bigbang etc . :(
yess I WANT IT !!!! ><

detail :

come on VIP, Blackjack and Psycho !
don't you want it too ?????? x)

source :

